Today I decided to create my own brew with all the fabulous products I was either gifted or purchased within the recent month! The first step, which I completed a little over a week ago, was creating my fun little coffee station with all the essentials (see picture below). I wanted to grind the coffee beans and roast the coffee all in one ritual - now I can! I am adding at-home brewery to my daily routine when I am working from home or relaxing in my cozy apartment during the weekend!
Location Downtown Pittsburgh
Brewed Aroma Cafe Honduras Coffee Beans
Date of Trial April 23, 2019
The Ratings
Overall - A
Items below are rated on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest)
Presentation - 3 (I used a simple white mug but the taste and smell of this coffee didn’t require a fancy presentation when I’m right at home)
Boldness - 2 (medium roast coffee beans)
Sweetness - 2
Price - Unsure!
An extremely pleasant and aromatic lighter roast that is a joy to drink. I added some soy milk to the brew but I could have enjoyed the yummy coffee without any additives.
My new little coffee station in my downtown Pittsburgh apartment!
Chemex beauty - easy-to-use, too!
This Capresso coffee bean grinder is the perfect size for my place and grinds beans in seconds!
Márcala Honduras coffee beans are a light to medium roast with an aroma you want to keep smelling! Thank you to my boyfriend who recently returned from a volunteer trip there.